We have always believed that our firm fits into a network of interconnected local entities. Organizations, both for profit and nonprofit, cooperate to provide services that fulfill the diverse needs expressed by the community. The staff at Reager & Adler is encouraged to become active and play key roles in non-profits. This participation is reinforced by contributions made to the local Camp Hill community, local schools, and selected nonprofits that our staff, partners, and clients support.
— Dave Reager
Reager & Adler proudly partners with and supports the following organizations. The firm also grants a Scholarship annually to a student from Camp Hill High School.

Past Community Events
December 28, 2019

Reager & Adler Supports Cumberland County Bar Association’s Adopt-A-Family Program
Reager & Adler attorneys and staff were proud to support the Cumberland County Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division’s annual Adopt-A-Family program for the 2019 holiday season.
November 19, 2019

Attorneys and Staff Donate Time at PA Food Bank
Reager & Adler attorneys and staff, along with staff of the Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association, recently spent the afternoon touring the Pennsylvania Food Bank and donating time to box care packages for military veterans. Visit CentralPAFoodBank.org to learn about the great work they do throughout Pennsylvania and what you can do to help!